Your 2025 Goal-Setting Guide

Would you like to set and achieve inspiring and meaningful goals in 2025? What if you could achieve a 95% success rate in reaching those goals?

Here’s your 5-step 2025 goal-setting guide to do just that!

Goals provide direction, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment. However, setting and achieving goals can be a challenging process, often fraught with setbacks and discouragement. To be successful, use these five game-changing techniques:

1 - Align Your Vision and Goals

Your personal vision represents your aspirations, while your values represent what deeply matters to you. So, align your goals with your vision and values. This ensures that your pursuits are meaningful and contribute to a life that resonates with your deepest desires. Don’t have a written personal vision yet? Here’s how to start.

2 - Break Goals Down by Role

Categorize your goals by life role. This is called “Roles and Goals.” As an example, you may set 1-4 goals for your personal life, financial life, professional responsibilities, family and relationship roles, or community participation. Most people have 4-8 key life roles. This keeps your goals focused, simple, and clear. Here’s an example of Roles and Goals (with the vision statement included in purple):

3 - Keep Your Goals Simple

In the enthusiasm of goal setting, it’s easy to overload yourself. However, simplicity is key to success. So, focus on just 1-4 goals for each life role. Just 1-2 goals per role improves both your focus and your likelihood of success. This allows for deeper concentration, increased motivation, and a greater sense of accomplishment as you progress.

And, make them SMART. SMART goals, characterized as Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, form the foundation for direct (simple) goals.

4 - Be Accountable

Create an accountability group. If you’ve not shared your goals with a few people who can keep you accountable previously, do so in 2025. Simply share your goals with them, and let them know when you will report on how you did. A goal that is written, shared, and that has an “accountability date” is 95% likely to be achieved. Be in that group!

5 - Pre-Week Plan (Execute)

Before each week begins, take a few minutes to review your vision and goals. Then, write out your life roles. Below each role, list 1-5 priorities — what matters most — that can be done that week for each life role. Schedule those priorities first, before you prioritize your schedule. That’s pre-week planning. It’s the #1 time-management skill for doing what matters most. It takes your vision and goals into your weekly schedule. That’s powerful! Want a weekly planner built around pre-week planning, here you go!

Wrapping Up

So, be 95% likely to achieve your goals by pre-week planning, creating an accountability group, keeping your SMART goals simple, breaking those goals down by life role, and aligning those goals with your vision and values. You‘ll make 2025 one of your best years ever as you accomplish your goals! That’s becoming your best.

Share your goals, once they are written, with three to five people that inspire you. That accountability will be a game-changer in achieving your goals and in realizing your life vision.Steve Shallenberger

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