This is How to Set and Achieve Goals

How do you set meaningful goals with a 95% likelihood of achieving them? Let’s jump into it!

How to Make Goals Meaningful

You make goals meaningful and motivating by aligning them with your personal vision. Your personal vision articulates your purpose and who you want to become, and your goals are the milestones and clearly defined path toward achieving your vision. Here’s last week’s newsletter on how to start a personal vision if you don’t have one.

What are Roles and Goals

When you develop your personal vision, you list your life roles and then come up with a vision statement for each role (this is the template). That might look something like this:

Now, add 1-3 SMART goals to each role that help you realize that vision (here is the template if you’re just starting). A a reminder, here is what SMART stands for:

  • Specific – For example: “Run a 5k”
  • Measurable – “Run a 5K in under 30 minutes” (avoid the words more/better)
  • Achievable – Can you reasonably do this with work and focus?
  • Relevant – Is this aligned with your vision?
  • Time-Specific – “Run a 5K in under 30 minutes by Nov 30th”

When you’ve listed your life roles, set a vision statement for each role, and then defined 1-3 goals that help you realize that vision, you’ve set Roles and Goals! That might look something like this:

Be Accountable

Share your goals with a few people who can keep you accountable, and schedule an “accountability date” when you’ll report on how you did. A goal that is written, shared, and that has an “accountability date” is 95% likely to be achieved. Be in that group!

Take Action Today!

Schedule a time this week to update or set Roles and Goals that you can accomplish between now and the end of the year! Define your roles and vision, set 1-3 SMART goals for each role, and share those goals with people you’d like to be accountable too. Set a date near the end of the year when you will report on your goals. That’s leading a life by design and becoming your best!

“It’s really not important where you’ve been or what you’ve done in the past; the question is, what will you do in the future.”

“The most successful individuals always set and work on their goals.” – Steve Shallenberger

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