When health and relationships begin to suffer, our studies show that overall performance can quickly drop by as much as 50% and leadership capacity noticeably diminishes.
So, how do you lead and live from a place of peace and balance for peak performance? That’s the topic of this week’s newsletter.
A Sincere Question
First, let us ask you a question … how are you doing?
Wait, stop there for a moment. It’s all too easy to breeze by that question without really thinking. So here’s what we want you to do: read the question again, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and sit for at least 10 seconds and search deeply for the answer. Now think about it in terms of your life roles – how are you professionally, personally, emotionally, physically, mentally, financially? How are your relationships?
As Dr. Gary Chapman (5 Love Languages) says, “If you let your feelings speak to you rather than control you, you will find yourself becoming the type of person who can stand in the midst of nearly any storm.” So, again . . . how are you doing?
Finding Peace and Balance
So that you can optimize your leadership bandwidth and operate at peak performance – let’s take this self-assessment one step further using the Circle of Peace and Balance. Can you quantify the areas and roles in your life that are balanced and healthy? What areas of your life have been neglected, need a refill, or could use some focused attention?
Print out the Circle of Peace and Balance, and take two minutes to quantify how you‘re doing.
Three Ways to Make Adjustments
Looking at your results, here are three ways to give those areas of your life that need attention a bit of love:
- Pre-week plan. What specific action items can you include in your pre-week planning that give attention to neglected roles and responsibilities? Take a moment to open your planner and identify what you can do – and when you’ll do it – to restore peace and balance to your life. That’s doing what matters most!
- Read books. What books can you read to gain and apply knowledge to the roles that need attention (professional, relationship, health)? Find new solutions in new knowledge.
- Effectively communicate. What intentional conversations can you have to clear the air, align teams, or clarify expectations? Can you practice your listening skills to improve certain relationships that need attention?
Mental and Emotional Adjustments
If you need some adjustments to your mental and emotional well-being, consider shutting off the news for a while, disengaging from social media, and reading an encouraging book. Could you benefit from a video chat with a friend, writing in a gratitude journal, or playing a board game with a loved one? Could your mental and emotional well-being use medical support? Whatever you decide to do, make sure it is something that fills up your emotional and mental tank.
Wrapping Up
There is a simple truth: you cannot show up for and lead others well when you yourself are depleted. So, take time to take care of yourself, your relationships, and your health for peak performance and peak leadership. That’s becoming your best.
“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” – Dalai Lama
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