Episode Summary
Hearing about self-compassion and “soft” stuff like hugs and empathy made Steven think that wasn’t for him; a 6’5″, 240 pound, former boxer and football player didn’t resonate with all that. But after some exercises his mentors suggested, he started realizing that being in our corner, being there for ourselves facing adversity and setbacks was actually excellent. That would be the first step of an incredible and transformational journey for Steven, where he would learn the power of self-compassion and kindness to himself.
Rob Shallenberger: Alright, welcome back to our Becoming Your Best podcast listeners. This is your host, Rob Shallenberger, and I hope you are having a great day in the world wherever you’re at. If you’re not, this is your lucky day because I have a great guest and this is going to make your day better. So, I’d like to introduce Steven Griffith. I just met him recently and a good friend of mine, Danny Brazil, introduced us and I had an initial conversation with Steven and he’s one of those people you just hit it off with really quickly and very easily, very personable, very real, very down to earth. I thought he would be a great person to have on our podcast. And for you listening, you’ve got to know that we probably have three to five people per day that want to be on our podcast, and so, we’re very selective in who we invite on because we want to add value to your lives. We want to make these 20 to 30 minutes that we have together each week really productive, really filled with value. And so, I felt like Steven could be one of those people and certainly, I was very impressed with him the first time we met a few weeks ago.
Rob Shallenberger: So, that being said, we’re going to jump right into this. Steven has an impressive background. He’s played college football, he’s coached athletes and coaches all over the United States, world, written several books. He’s one of those people that has an amazing, illustrious background. And so, with all that said, first of all, Steve, welcome to the show and just tell us a little bit about you, your background and who you are.
Steven Griffith: Sure, thanks for having me on, Rob. Born and raised in Chicago, been here in California for about the last 25 years. I’ve been a performance coach for about that same amount of time for businesses, coaches, athletes, entertainment people, and just really helping them be their best, be their ultimate best. And in my work, I call it being and executing their A-game, being at their best. So that’s what I do.
Rob Shallenberger: Yeah, so we’re going to talk about that A-game coaching. And here’s the thing about this – for those listening – when we talk about this, this isn’t just for parents or just for student athletes, or just for coaches; this is for all of us. This is really about high performance in our lives, how do we take where we are today and make it better. I’m sure he’s going to share specific things related to parents, but really, these are things that apply to all of us in different walks. So, let’s jump right into this, Steven. And first of all, tell us what are the core concepts that make up the A-game? When you say the A-game, what are we talking about? What are the core concepts around that?
Steven Griffith: Well, the A game – by my simple definition to begin with – is giving your best to perform your best and how do we consistently do that. So, when we’re talking about athletes, parents, coaches, it’s this concept of mindfulness, self-compassion, how to develop an optimistic mindset, and how to communicate effectively. And to be focused on what really matters. Going to your work – do what matters most – is getting parents, kids, and coaches focusing on with attention, with their time to perform at their best.
Rob Shallenberger: And let’s expand on this a little bit, Steven. So, you’re a big guy, right? You played football. What position did you play, again?
Steven Griffith: I played tight end.
Rob Shallenberger: Tight end. And how tall are you?
Steven Griffith: About six-five. Now I’m shrinking a little. I’m probably six-four, Rob, getting older, about 240. And I was also an amateur boxer. So, two athletic things.
Rob Shallenberger: Yeah. So, him and I can see each other while we’re talking, but I know that people listening obviously can’t. I want you to picture this big guy, muscley, but yet we’re talking about things like mindfulness, self-compassion. And I love what you said, when you and I talked a couple of weeks ago, Steven, prior to this, is sometimes it appears to be this disconnect. Here’s this big guy, ex-football player, boxer; yet he’s talking about self-compassion and mindfulness. And so, maybe expand on that a little bit because whether we’re an athlete or not, this is a big thing post-COVID. I know there’s been a lot of anxiety amongst people, a lot of depression issues coming up. And this isn’t a topic that people used to talk about a whole lot. So, why is self-compassion and mindfulness the key to high performance?
Steven Griffith: Great question, and it’s something, as you said, it is starting to get talked about. I’ve been in this field for about 10 years studying mindfulness. I traveled to Japan, Thailand worked with a lot of the ancient philosophies, but mindfulness in my work is just being present to where you are right now. We’re in a world of massive distraction. The research says that our mind is wandering 50% of the time. So, the more we can be present right here, right now, in the moment, the more we can connect to our talents, our gifts, we can be of service and we can perform at our highest. I read in your book, you quoted something about – I think it’s multitasking – 20 some minutes to come back to your task and this is happening at micro levels for kids, parents, executives. So, the more we can be here now, fully present, the greater relationships we have, the more creativity, the higher performance. And so, I have a quote that is, “The more present you are, the higher you perform.” And that’s really the core foundation of where I start my work from. Now the part about self-compassion, this is what I’m most excited about. And it’s something that I was introduced to by Kristin Neff and Mark Dermer, who are the top researchers in the world on self-compassion. So, I was in a training about two years ago. And all of a sudden, I heard this Rob, I heard “and it improves performance”. It was almost like a side comment. And this is a two-day seminar, and I was like, “Improved performance? What?” So here’s what we know from the research and then I’ll define it a little bit. People that are more self-compassionate have more grit, have more resilience, will take more positive risks towards what they want and they recover faster from upset.
Rob Shallenberger: Oh, yeah, I totally believe that.
Steven Griffith: And so, what is self-compassion? So, as a man, as you talked about, I’m a football player and when I first heard this I’m like, “What is this soft stuff, give me a hug, it’s all going to be okay?” I’m just being really honest, it was like, nothing that I thought would be for me. But as I started really looking at the topic, it’s all about being in your own corner, being there for you in the face of adversity, setbacks, and upsets. So, they did this exercise – I think it’s really important to talk about – they said, “How would you talk to a friend that had an upset or was going through a tough time?” so they had you kind of visualize how you’d do it. Now, they said, “Now, how would you talk to yourself with that same problem?” And I was like, “Oh, my…” I thought about the language I was saying to myself “This shouldn’t be happening to you, you’re better than this, get over it.” And I had a little bit of shame come up thinking about how come I can’t handle it. And so, as they started talking about the concepts – what I’ll share with you right now – is that number one, self-compassion is being that coach in your corner but also being kind to yourself while you’re suffering, while you made a mistake.
Steven Griffith: So, the three steps to self-compassion are really simple. First, it’s mindfulness. Mindfulness just is being present to actually what’s going on. Wow, I’m having a difficult time. A lot of times as high performers, we just keep pushing forward, we don’t even acknowledge that we’re struggling. So, that’s the first thing. The second component is what they call common humanity. And man, this rocked my world, Rob, when I heard this. And common humanity is understanding that what you are going through, other people are going through now or have; you’re not alone. Because I will tell you, in my athletic career, I would always isolate myself like, “Man, this is just me, I’m defective.” And the reality is we’re all suffering, all going through tough times, especially after this pandemic. And so, the third process to the self-compassion formula is then self-kindness, either in words, positive words to self, and actions. And when we put those three together, we start developing a reservoir of grit, resilience, and the willingness to know if I totally go for it and I don’t make it, I’m going to be kind to myself, it’s going to be okay. And so, when you start building this concept of self-compassion we just start going for it a bigger way.
Rob Shallenberger: I love what you said there, Steven. Just to build on that a little bit, I’ve been really fascinated in the last couple of years, three or four years with neuroplasticity in the brain. My mom had early-onset Alzheimer’s, she passed away six months ago from that – our listeners have heard me share some of those experiences – and so I’ve really been fascinated with the brain. And it’s been interesting, there’s been so much research on this and whether the numbers are exactly right or not, I don’t know, but they say the average person thinks between 50 to 70,000 thoughts per day. 90% of those thoughts are repetitive – family, work, exercise; it’s the same thoughts over and over. And yet, here’s the kicker: 70% of our thoughts tend to be negative. So, we’re repeating the same negative cycle day after day and that makes self-compassion difficult I think for a lot of us. Regardless of what titles we hold or job positions or whatever, it seems like there’s an internal battle going on in almost everyone at some point in our lives that we will all face and it’s a very real thing. And I love the advice you gave and I hope people caught that, Steven because this is something I read in the book not long ago and this really resonated with me like it did with you. And that is, when we talk to other people the same way we talk to ourselves. There’s this mother who had an accident with her daughter, she felt responsible, and so her self-talk was “I’m a horrible mother, my daughter will never be the same. It was your fault.” And when asked, “Well, is this how you would talk to someone else for your counseling if there was another mother that went through the same thing?” “No, I would tell her it wasn’t your fault. There’s still life. I would counsel and comfort her.” Well, why do we do that? And so, I love what you just brought up there, Steven, and I hope we’re all reflecting on how do we internally talk with ourselves, what does our own self-compassion looks like. So, I think that was a great value add that you shared right there.
Steven Griffith: Rob, I want to add one more thing, I forgot one of the most important things about this. When we’re more self-compassionate to ourselves, the research shows we’re more self-compassionate to others. So, when our tank is full we actually can give more of that. We’re more kind, more patient, more present and that’s just icing on the cake for all of it.
Rob Shallenberger: Yeah. On the positive or negative, I’m sure you can relate to this, we all can. I’m more snippy and short-tempered with people when I’m not in the best place myself. When I’m in a good place and I’m having that self-compassion, I really feel good about my situation where I’m at today, man, isn’t that true that we’re so much more compassionate towards others?
Steven Griffith: Absolutely.
Rob Shallenberger: Yeah. Very true, I love that. I had another couple of thoughts or questions that I want you to talk about here. Let’s shift the playing field a little bit to student athletes, parents, coaches. If you’re not in that category, great, keep in your mind that this applies to all of us. But really focusing on that group, there’s a large segment of our population that are in that category, either they have children, they have student athletes, whatever. So, related to that particular group, what are some of the biggest challenges that you see facing student athletes, parents, coaches today?
Steven Griffith: The first thing – and this relates to everyone as we’re talking about this – is distractions. We’re in a world that’s so different now that there’s a constant distraction from the phones getting our attention. So, the ability for all people, especially student athletes, to stay focused is one of the biggest things and along with that is this huge impact of social media messaging. The outside world telling a young person who they should be, how they should act, and what values they should have. And this combination can be really challenging without great guidance because we’re not fully present to what and who we truly are, now we have influences on the outside of social media, where 95% of all social media posts are showing this kind of fantasy world that everything’s great. And so, we have a distorted value system going on that can be really challenging for young people. And on top of that, this idea that everything’s instant. This person is instantly successful, this person automatically got 10 million followers or whatever it may be. And the reality is, life doesn’t work that way. It’s hard work, it’s grit, it’s resilience, it’s putting your time in. And so, I think those are some of the challenges that are happening right now.
Rob Shallenberger: It’s always easy to see the endgame, isn’t it? You see someone you’re like, “Oh, look at them, they’re so successful.” Kobe Bryant – like him or not – he’s had what he called the Mamba mentality. Continually out there, outperforming, out practicing, out hustling, outworking many of his peers. Being there at four in the morning and shooting 103 pointers until he actually makes 103 pointers. So, 100%. I see that all the time. If you don’t mind Steve, I’m going to ask you a question here that there’s probably a lot of opinions out there, but you mentioned some things that are really key and I would just like to get your perspective on these. Social media – what’s your opinion on social media for youth?
Steven Griffith: It’s a love-hate relationship for me. I’m a little bit more old school, I’m in my 50s now and so I didn’t grow up with it. I think it’s a great platform from a business perspective to have your message out there. But the amount of viewing and reflection, especially for young people, is it takes them out of their own life. I mean it’s ours, these kids are on Facebook and especially Instagram, so they’re spending their time not working on their craft, not working on their school, they’re spending that time viewing other people’s lives. Every minute of that is a minute away from self-investment to be the best version of themselves and be their A-game. And so, I don’t think it’s wrong or bad. I just spoke to 100 parents in Phoenix of athletes and the first question the parents had was, how do I create an environment that’s stable and supportive for my kids? That’s a big question. And I just said to them, the first thing is to be present; the more present you are as parents, the more you can listen, reflect and support. And then talk about distractions. The coach that ran this event, I had a group of kids for the first hour and then the parents for the second, and I love what he did. He goes, all the kids in the room, put your phones in the back of the room. And I will tell you, 13, 14 to 15-year-olds for one hour were locked in. Now I like to say, I’m a great presenter and all that stuff, but I will tell you a big reason they were locked in is they had nothing to distract themselves with.
Rob Shallenberger: Yeah, that’s interesting. I’m just thinking about that, and right or wrong, one of my observations – and I actually really like what you said, right there, Steven – it’s about creating the conditions. As the parent being present with our children, we can’t expect something of them that we’re not willing to offer or give ourselves. And so, from a parenting perspective – this could be a manager in a company, too, or a team member – being present. I’ll throw one more observation on there. I talk with a lot of parents, as you do, all over the country and oftentimes as we talk about parenting I’ll ask, “Well, what’s one of your biggest regrets?” And, again, not right or wrong, I’m not going to say right or wrong because every situation is different but across the board, the number one answer is getting their kids a smartphone too soon.
Steven Griffith: Wow.
Rob Shallenberger: And I think there’s just a lot of reasons for that: social media, the outside influences, who become their role models in social media, the distraction that you’ve just talked about. So, that’s at least worth thinking about as a parent is those are tough questions you’ve got to answer. When are you going to introduce those things into their life? How do you bring that in? Because I think if you look at us as parents and we’re honest, I think most of us do the same things that we get on our kids for. We’re distracted, we’re on our phones way too much.
Steven Griffith: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Rob Shallenberger: It’s easy to look at our kids but the reality is looking right here at ourselves, which leads me to a term that I love that you use – you’re the first person I’ve ever heard use this term and I really liked it – timefulness.
Steven Griffith: So, this came out of just my work in working with individuals and the mindfulness work. So, mindfulness is by definition, being present, aware without judgment. A general definition. So, timefulness is being present and aware, and intentional with your time. And so, to be really present to where am I spending my time? And especially with student athletes, for all of us, time is our most valuable resource. You wrote about it in your book, Do What Matters Most. And it’s like, okay, this is a finite limited source, and where we’re investing this time is the difference of what our legacy is. People don’t think about it like that. They’re thinking like, oh today… Each one of these days becomes who we’re being and is what’s going to be our legacy. And so, when I work with young people and their parents, it’s saying, “Okay, here’s the amount of time you have, how are you going to invest it? And when you invest it, how are you going to focus it to improve your performance?” You can do something not really focusing and improving over time or you can spend 30 minutes and go “You know what? I’m going to work on my swing or my jump shot.” Very focused. So, this concept of timefulness is a core component of working with kids to get them present, that it’s the greatest thing you can invest for your A-game.
Rob Shallenberger: Yeah, I couldn’t agree more with that. So, let me talk two more specific questions with you. I can’t believe we’re already this far into the podcast. Two more questions. I want to talk specifically for those who are parents out there listening, this is going to be for you and I’m going to give you a follow-on question right now to think about in the back of your mind while you’re answering this. So I’m going to ask you to multitask while being present.
Steven Griffith: Awesome! I love it, Rob.
Rob Shallenberger: Timefulness, right? So, here’s my question: what are some things parents can do right now to support their kids’ success? So, we’ve talked about being present, the self-compassion, which 100% I think everyone would agree with, especially after hearing you explain it in that context that you did. If you’re like me, I love to hear a couple of how-tos. What can I actually do? And then I think about it and say, “What if I can actually do that and apply those?” So, that’s my first question. The second one is, if you wouldn’t mind, Steven, and I’ll come back to this and remind you of what the question is, so you have to remember it in your mind. I’d love it if you could share a challenging experience in your life that really shaped you into who you are today. And the reason I want to ask that question is because sometimes when you get someone who’s been really successful, I think it’s easy to make a perception like, “Oh, man, they have their act together. They’ve got it all doped out. They can’t relate to me.”
Steven Griffith: Sure.
Rob Shallenberger: And what I’ve really learned is that no matter who the person is, everyone has their challenges and trials. They come in all different shapes and varieties, what maybe one person has another person has something else. But just maybe keep that in the back of your mind as a follow-on question. Let’s talk about that before we wrap up. Some challenges that you had that shaped you into who you are today. But let’s go back to this first one. For the parents listening, what are some things they can do to support their kids’ success?
Steven Griffith: Okay, so the number one question I get when I talk to parents is “How do I communicate, connect, and give my son or daughter feedback?” It is number one. So, after a game or something academically where they had a challenge. And most parents, no judgment here but in my experience, most parents want to teach and preach right away. So, the kid comes off the field court. I call it the drive-home conversation.
Rob Shallenberger: Which we’ve all had. We know. Everybody.
Steven Griffith: By the way, what I’m going to coach and talk about, I’ve screwed up 100 times. So, I’m not here saying I’m perfect. So, the first thing that we’ve got to do after an event or situation is to actually listen. And I did a demo with a parent this last weekend and I said, “Let’s demo. How do you do it?” And she goes, “Well, as soon as he gets in the car, I tell him he should have done this and he should have done that.” And I go, “Huh, okay. So are you open for another way?” She’s like, “Sure.” I said, “So, the first thing is to think about what just happened for your son. Just get in his shoes for a minute. Did he have a good day? Did he make an error? Did he have a struggle? Get into his shoes and what may be his emotional condition before you start teaching and preaching. That’s number one.” And then I have a three-step process, it’s real simple. Then ask him or her, what went well in the game. Let’s just talk about what went well, let’s focus on what went well. That’s number one. Number two, what were any challenges you had or any places where we can learn and grow from? So, we start with a positive, now we’re opening up some dialogue to see what happened, where can we learn. And then number three, Rob, what can we do together to help you get better? What can we do together to help you get better for the next time? That allows a young man or young woman to be seen, to be heard, and to be emotionally connected to and have the sense that their parent is in their corner. And we get so excited, we want our kids to succeed, we want our employees to succeed. This is the same conversation I use across the board. But if we can just press pause, zip our mouth for a moment, and just listen first, it changes everything.
Rob Shallenberger: It’s funny as you’re talking I’m just thinking about – we have four kids, for those who don’t know me and our oldest is 19, a boy, and then we have three girls – and I’m almost as laughing as you’re talking about this in a good way because I think we’ve all tested both sides of this coin. I remember when my son was like 12, or 13, I was the parent running out there from the sideline, giving directions, yelling engaged. He jumped in the car and “Hey, Robbie, here we go.” I liked your drive-home analogy, that’s exactly what it was. And we’ve had a lot of these conversations between my wife and me and over the years, we really made a lot of changes more towards what you’re talking about right there. What were some of your wins? What went well? What are some other areas that you thought could be improved? And it’s really interesting because our observation is that the more we listened to like that, obviously we had more open conversations. The truth is they know. They’re already hard enough on themselves. They don’t need us as the parent to jump in and tell them. When we ask our son those questions, he’d be like, he wouldn’t even go to the positives first, he’d go right to the negatives. This, this, this. So, we didn’t have to come back and reiterate. Well, what were your successes? What did go well? And we really had some good conversations from that and I was way less stressed too.
Steven Griffith: Yes, yes.
Rob Shallenberger: A month ago – I chuckled because I still remember this – we were at a soccer game for my daughter and I’m on silent, I watched this dad over there just going at it. And I just chuckled inside. I’m like, there I was eight years ago. You need to relax buddy, it’s not worth it. Anyway, so what you have said there, Steven, I love that. Do you mind if we jump into that last question that I talked about? A challenge that you’ve had that has really shaped your life and had a big impact on you becoming who you are today.
Steven Griffith: When you asked that I had in the back of my mind because there’s a lot of challenges. Like you said, you see what you think is a polished presenter, coach. And I think like you, telling the stories of vulnerability opens up the dialogue to be real with people and that life is a struggle and we can get over it. So, a quick story is this. So I graduated high school, I wanted to be a college football player. I was a tall skinny kid, they called me the giraffe, I was like six-three, about 170 pounds. So, I went to junior college and my desire was to get a division one scholarship. So, the second season, Rob, I tore my hamstring in front of a full crowd of scouts. I still got that division one scholarship, went to Western Michigan. On the first day of spring practice, I tore my hamstring again. I took a year off, transferred schools, played a season, and then in my pro timing day as a senior I ran the fastest 40-yard dash I ever ran and tore my other hamstring crossing the finish line. Three coaches, three years, three schools, three torn hamstrings. I thought my life was over. All I wanted to do is be a professional athlete. And I remember laying on that track with the hot asphalt on my body, I’m going, “There’s nothing else for me to live for. There really isn’t.” And I actually rehabbed another year, came back, changed positions, and about two weeks into the season, I woke up two days in my bed and I didn’t want to go to practice anymore. And what I realized, Rob, all these years, I wanted to be successful. And I had made a decision at about a 10-year-old – and I was about 23 at the time – that it was going to be football. And it literally was one of those moments where you’ve been climbing that ladder of success, Steven, and it’s on the wrong wall. I retired that day from football. Those trials and tribulations, three torn hamstrings did one thing for me. A, it developed an immense amount of grit, and an ability to go for what I want. And so, I became a coach in the physical world first and then doing what I’m doing now on the mental and performance side. I never knew that those three hamstrings would have me in a podcast with you today. And I’m grateful that I kept going, and I’m grateful to allow other opportunities to show up and that I could change the direction and who I thought I was and I was more than an athlete. Because ultimately, when I’m working with parents and coaches and kids, their athletic career is going to end and they’re going to have the rest of their life ahead of them. And so, that’s my story on that.
Rob Shallenberger: Yeah, I love that man. What a story of grit. That reminds me, you said torn hamstring. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Derek Redmond or not. Back in the ‘90s – he was from Great Britain – he was running the 400 meters, favorite to win gold. Everybody thought he’s going to set an Olympic record, he was just the man that time around, this Olympics. Well, it was his turn to run, all his pre-event runs, all his trial runs if you will, he did set Olympic records. So, he goes into the 400 meters, and halfway around the track, he falls and he tears his hamstring. Which is why that story came to my mind. And the video is so awesome – it’s on YouTube – he lays there for a second everybody goes on past him and then he jumps up and he continues to hobble around the track and his father comes out and runs with him and then they cross the finish line together. Not even close to first, he’s just finishing the race. And everybody in the stands is cheering him on. 65,000 people all standing on their feet cheering him on. And I was doing a seminar, a training down at Dell Computers, in Texas, and there was a manager in the back and she raised her hand and she said: “I was on the US Olympic swim team and I was there in the stadium that day that that happened.”
Steven Griffith: Wow.
Rob Shallenberger: And she said, “There wasn’t a dry eye around us – all these people from different cultures.” And here’s the point of the story – it’s really to support what you just said – I don’t know that anybody hardly remembers who finished that race first that day. It was that event that shaped Derek Redmond’s life for the rest of his life. He went on to become a speaker throughout Europe, he wrote a book about never giving up. And so, while in that exact moment where he felt the tear of the hamstring, he probably thought, “Man, there goes the gold medal. There goes everything I’ve ever worked for.” But who knew that it would lead to such an amazing blessing and such a different career path in his life that he had never imagined? Who knew that you tearing your three hamstrings – or I should say your hamstrings those three separate times – like you mentioned, would lead to the current place where you’re at now, having written books and coaching parents and teams. And I think that’s a great reminder for all of us that while we’re in the middle of something difficult, sometimes it’s hard to see where that may lead to. And we think “Oh, man, how do I go through this?” but that is such a great reminder for all of us, that no matter what we’re facing it will, in the end, work out for our good as long as we don’t quit, as long as we use that grit that you alluded to.
Steven Griffith: Yes.
Rob Shallenberger: Steven, thank you so much for being here. Any final thoughts for our listeners that you would like to share?
Steven Griffith: I think the last thing – I share this with parents, especially when I’m working with parents – you’re all in here and you want great things for your kids: you want a scholarship, you want them to be champions. But I will remind you one thing. It is not the scholarship or the championship that’s important, it is who your young men and women are becoming in the grit and the follow-through to get there. It’s not the championship. It’s who they’re being carved out to become.
Rob Shallenberger: What a great piece to end on. Steven, I know there’s going to be some people who would like to find you. How do they find you? Do you have a website?
Steven Griffith: stevengriffith.com is the best way to reach me.
Rob Shallenberger: Okay, yes. Stevengriffith.com, check it out. He has numerous different books that you can look at – The Time Cleanse, and several others. And hopefully, you’ve gotten some ideas listening to this, like I have. One of the things that I loved about Steven when I first met him a few weeks ago, just like I started this podcast with him, he’s so genuine and so sincere. And I hope that you’ve been able to sense that through the radio or however you’re watching or listening to this is he’s so genuine and so sincere that really comes across and he’s talking about things like self-compassion, being present, and grit. And these are all things that we can reflect on in our lives. And you used a word right at the end, Steven, if you don’t mind, I’m going to come back to that. We use this title Becoming Your Best and we purposely didn’t use the term become your best. And what a great way you ended this podcast, Seven, with that term, “It’s not about the scholarship, it is not about all these other things, it’s about who is that person becoming as a person in the process.” And anything else they get on top of that, icing on the cake, but who are we becoming in the process. So, Steven, again, thank you so much for being here. Stevengriffith.com. To all of you out there, we hope you have a great day and a wonderful rest of your week.