Episode 38: The Profit of Kindness

Are you trying to get noticed and build success? If so, you’ll want to focus on your message and ask yourself the question, “What is the problem that my service/product solves?” Once you have the answer, you’ve got the ammo to accomplish anything.

Episode 36: The Positive Power of Patience

In today’s episode, you will be inspired by the positive power of patience. Patience, as exercised by taking positive action in the face of set-back, frustration, anger, and compulsion leads to peace, calm and greater effectiveness! Like any state we’re trying to achieve in our life, a state of patience, calm, and perspective requires deliberate practice and…patience, exercised through positive action, gives you just that kind of peace and calm to be a highly successful leader!

Episode 35: Helping Others Succeed

Joanie’s book, Flying without a Helicopter, explores what it takes to achieve success in the workplace and includes insights on parenting, educating, and managing young people in a way that encourages resilience and self-reliance.

Episode 31: Leadership Lessons From Around The World

On my recent travels to various parts of the world, I made an effort to note when I saw outstanding leadership demonstrated. From Central America to Napa Valley, from Dubai to the Philippines, I had the privilege of interacting with amazing leaders, people who are not only transforming lives now but are also paving the way for future generations.

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