At the buzzer for the 3! (your 5,000 shot goal)

Hitting (making) “three-pointers” in basketball is not easy.

So how did one high schooler, Alex, use “Roles & Goals” to go from hitting 0 three-pointers to 38 three-pointers in the following season?

And, more importantly, how can you use “Roles & Goals” to make life’s figurative three-pointers, the hard shots — the game-winning (life-winning) shots?

Below are 3 simple steps to have your roles and goals in hand and start making “the life-winning shots.”

What Are Roles & Goals

You may recall that your personal vision is your internal compass, purpose, and focus for each life role. But, how do you make your vision realizable? Roles & Goals are specific and achievable milestones to realize your vision for each role. They are a path – or a plan – to realize your vision. Thus, Roles & Goals make your vision actionable, realizable, and reality. An example makes the relationship between vision and goals clear:

High School Basketball – Roles & Goals

Alex, going into her Freshman year, developed a clear vision for her role of athlete/basketball: “Make the high school team (JV the first year) and hit three-pointers.” She had never hit a three-pointer prior. She sat down with her dad to discuss this question, “What goal will help make that vision a reality?” She set a goal for the off-season to make (not take, but make) 5,000 shots.

Her goal gave her a path and a plan to realize that vision. At the end of the off-season, she had made 4,730 shots, many of them three-pointers. During the season she made the JV team and hit 38 three-pointers! From 0 to 38 and making the JV team. Here’s a video of some of her three-pointers.

Consider the impact of her goal on her vision. Consider the impact a goal can have with your life vision!

So jump into it — below are three simple steps to set your roles and goals.

Three Steps to Having Roles & Goals

Step 1 – Have a Place to Write Your Roles (and Goals)

You can use this free vision & goals template. Or, if you use either the Becoming Your Best Digital or Physical Planner, you have a vision & goals template built into your planner so that you can reference, track, and achieve your vision and goals. Whatever option you choose, step one is to put a vision & goals template in front of you.

Step 2 – Lead With a Vision

Develop a personal vision for your three key roles (personal, professional, and significant other) if you haven’t already. Last week’s post covered how to start a personal vision within minutes (you can read it here). The post included vision statements you can borrow until you develop your own (find the examples here). Remember, your goals should align with your vision, so start with your vision.

Step 3 – Set A Goal for Those 3 Roles

For each of the three roles (personal, professional, significant other), define one goal – just one goal for now – that aligns with your personal vision. Make each goal SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-specific). Note that your VISION is intentionally not SMART, while your plan — or goal — to get there is. Here are some examples — perhaps they’ll inspire you or give you ideas:

Role: Professional
Vision: Be the #1 sales rep in my company
Plan/Goal: Average 20 sales calls per week for the next 6 months (make 500 sales calls)

Role: Significant Other
Vision: Help my partner feel like a 10!
Plan/Goal: Have a planned date night twice per month until yearend

Role: Personal
Vision: Play tennis at 90 and be emotionally, physically, and mentally fit!
Plan/Goal: Take club tennis lessons in the spring; participate in the masters league in the fall (play 52+ games of tennis this year)

Bonus Step 4 – Be 95% Likely to Complete Your Goal

You’re 25% likely to complete a goal you’ve “consciously decided to complete.” But, share that goal with others and you’re 65% likely to complete it. Then, share that goal with someone, AND set an accountability appointment — a time when you’ll report on your results — and you’re 95% likely to complete that goal. So, (1) share your vision and goals with one or a few people, and (2) let them know when you’ll be reporting on the results. Mark it in your calendar. That accountability motivates change and performance.

The Benefit

Will a person with a vision and goal have a clear purpose and focus? Absolutely.
Will that person better prioritize time to do what matters most? Inherently.
Will this person accomplish more? Yes.
Will a professional, personal, and relationship vision & goal lead to better well-being, healthier relationships, and improved life balance? Indeed.

It’s tested and proven, so be that person by setting roles & goals. That’s becoming your best.

Want to learn how to take your vision and goals into your daily schedule? Pre-week planning is the #1 skill you can learn, and it’s the topic of the following post – read it here.

“For me, goals are my road map to the life I want. They have helped me accomplish things I once thought were impossible.” – Catherine Pulsifer

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