15 Questions for Self-Reflection

Reflection is one of the most overlooked skills to improve both productivity and purpose.

Find out for yourself – this blog outlines 15 questions that guide you through a reflection of your past, present, and future. And, this 15-question reflection will make your year more productive and meaningful!

The Past, Future, and Present

Steve Shallenberger, founder of Becoming Your Best Global Leadership, shares how to productively reflect on the past, future, and present:

Cherish the Past. Feel and express gratitude for your blessings and life experiences. What can you learn from and build upon from your past? Take the good and positive with you, and leave the bad behind.

Prepare for the Future. Have a clear vision, direction, and plan to make the very best of what can be. Work in “Quadrant II,” and remember – your best is yet to come!

Do What Matters Most Today. Be present and give your best effort. Pre-week plan and execute your plan. Use your planner. Set reminders as needed. Develop discipline (do the right thing at the right time, regardless of how you feel). And, work to be at peace all day long.

In line with those thoughts, here are 15 reflective questions about your past, future, and present:

Cherish the Past (5 Questions):

  1. What are you grateful for from your past?
  2. What gave you the most meaning historically?
  3. What have been some of your “life lessons” that you can learn from and build on?
  4. What have you done in the past that you’d like to continue doing going forward?
  5. Is there anything you need to leave behind from the past?

Prepare for the Future (5 Questions):

  1. What will be your most important life roles in the next 2, 5, and 10 years?
  2. What is your vision and direction for each of your life roles?
  3. What does “your best” look like in 2, 5, and 10 years?
  4. What are your goals and plans to make your vision and “best” a reality?
  5. Where will you keep your vision, goals, and plans to have them forefront of mind?

Do What Matters Most Today (5 Questions):

  1. Are you currently “present” and giving your “best effort” for each of your life roles?
  2. Are you pre-week planning or winging your day-to-day life?
  3. Do you have discipline (meaning do you do the right thing, at the right time, regardless of how you feel)?
  4. Do you take care of your personal health and relationships?
  5. Are you true to character – do you know and live by your values and principles?

Wrapping Up

Self-reflection is a powerful tool to cherish our past, prepare for the future, and do what matters most today.

So, take a moment to sincerely review these questions, and reflect on and evaluate your past, future, and present. Consider what changes you might make to your life to live your very best life. And always remember – your best is yet to be!

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been.” – Author Unknown

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